Harmonized Tariff Schedule Classification
About Me
Client List
HTSC Class.
Automated HTSC
1. HTSC Types
2. HTSC Input
3. HTSC Output
4. HTSC Support
5. Pricing Models
HTS Demo
Pipeline Pilot
Cmpd Mgmt

Classification of organic molecules using the Harmonized Tariff Schedule requires the application of a decision tree based on prioritized functional groups. The ideal tool to automate this function is the Biovia's Accelrys Enterprise Platform (AEP, aka Pipeline Pilot).

The following pages of this website describe

1. HTSC Types - describes the different kinds of Harmonized Tariff Schedule assignments required for accurate classification.

2. HTS Input - lists a number of input options for accessing molecules for Harmonized Tariff Schedule classification.

3. HTSC Output - describes the output of the application and provides an example of Sample Harmonized Tariff Schedule Output.

4. HTSC Support - describes the support that is provided for this application.

5. Pricing Models - describes  options for acquiring HTSC assignments for your compounds.

Please contact me for clarification, demonstrations and presentations.

Note: In order to be able to license the automated HTSC Application, an organizations must be an active licensee of Pipeline Pilot!
