Harmonized Tariff Schedule Classification
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HTSC Class.
Automated HTSC
1. HTSC Types
2. HTSC Input
3. HTSC Output
4. HTSC Support
5. Pricing Models
HTS Demo
Pipeline Pilot
Cmpd Mgmt

In order to automatically classify molecules using this application, it is necessary to deliver a molecule, or structure, to the protocol. This can be done in a variety of ways seen below:

1. SD File - This form protocol provides a user interface that allows the user to browse to an SD file (or group of SD files) of chemical structures. Note: This is the only Input method, at the present time that is available for the Fee for Service Pricing Models.

2. Sketcher - This form protocol allows the user input a structure by opening an instance of SymyxDraw (or IsisDraw or AccordDraw), drawing a query molecule and transferring it to the protocol.

3. Identifiers - trivial names or internal or external identifiers can be used as input.
