Harmonized Tariff Schedule Classification
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Cmpd Mgmt

Types of HTS Classification in order of decreasing priority:

1. Binding Ruling - the Note property in the HTSC Output section sometimes contains disclaimers from the schedule. For example, for 2934.99.90 00 the disclaimer: "Unless "Drugs", then HTS:=2934.99.47.00". The compound Ribovirin is, in fact considered a drug and there is a binding ruling ( N052858 ) that documents that. This type of classification is for the subset of binding rulings with disclaimers (>500) and are now automatically assigned by the protocol. 

2. Isotope - selected isotopes are detected and classified by the protocol.

3. Named - there are >1200 specifically named compounds in the schedule some are as simple as acetone others as complex as 1-Hydroxy-docosyloxy-2-naphthalene-carboxylic acid. The HTS Classifications for named compounds are subtly different and take priority over functional group classifications below.

4. Substructure - this is the method used to classify compounds which have not received a binding ruling and are not specifically named compounds. Fundamentally a decision tree based on the priorities of the functional groups in the molecule is used to determine the HTS Classification.

5.  Substructure ChemAppend CAS Number - the Chemical Appendix consists of 9,435 chemically well-defined structures; the rest are enzymes, monoclonal antibodies, etc. If, after being classified in 3 above, a compound is found on this list then it is given a subtly different classification according to note 3 of the schedule.

6. Substructure (Pharmaceutical Appendix)- the Pharmaceutical Appendix is a list of 7,149 chemically well-defined structures (the rest are enzymes monoclonal antibodies, etc.). Componds on this list still need to be classified for import, but no tariff is charged.  

7. Mixture or Other - for mixtures or compounds not covered by this application the type will be "Mixture or Other" and some suggestions for classification are provided in the Note.

8. Not Found in PubMed - two of the input methods used for this protocol attempt to acquire structures for a molecules from PubMed based on their trivial name or CAS number. If the name or CAS number does not return a structure then the type "Not In PubMed" is returned to the user.
