Harmonized Tariff Schedule Classification
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HTSC Class.
Automated HTSC
1. HTSC Types
2. HTSC Input
3. HTSC Output
4. HTSC Support
5. Pricing Models
HTS Demo
Pipeline Pilot
Cmpd Mgmt

The output of this protocol is presented in an HTML Molecular Table Viewer and is also available as and Excel table that can be viewed, saved and manipulated. An example of each HTSC Type can be viewed in the sample HTSC Output Excel sheet.

Below are the 10 properties supplied as output for the HTS Classification

1. Structures – this is the structure of the query molecule

2. Index – this is the order in which a molecule is input into the protocol

3. HTSC – this is the 10-digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule Classification for import into the US.

4. HS – this 8-digit Combined Nomenclature classification for import into the European Union

5. Type – this is the method used for the HTS Classification

6.  PharmAppend_Name_CAS – this is the name and CAS number of the molecule which indicates that it is on a list of compounds for which tariffs are not charged

7. Class – this is a textual description of the structural information that places this molecule in this chapter (29) and heading

8. Category – this is a textual description of other structural information required to make the final HTS classification

9. Name – this is textual description of the structural type of the molecule to supply to the Customs Department

10. Note

This property suggest alternative, subtly different HTS classifications in some categories if the user is aware of additional, but sometimes ill-defined, information such as “Pesticides”, “Drug”, , "Polyhydric alcohols derived from sugars" and many others. In most cases, this will be ignored, but is presented for completeness.

Alternatively, if there is a binding ruling on a specific compound, the number and date of the ruling on the Cross Customs Ruling Website will be annotated here.

Lastly, changes in the HTS classification in 2012 will be noted and the pre-2012 classification will be provided for clarification.

